Practicing Simplicity


What Is Simplicity?

As we embark on a new series, we have to start by answering the question: what is simplicity? Where do we see this in the life of Jesus and followers of Jesus throughout the millennia? And what might it look like in our lives today?

Mid-week 1: Practice His Presence

The mid-week episodes are designed to explore the practical application of simplicity in our lives. But as we begin our minimalism journey, we want to start by catching the big picture of WHY we're seeking minimalism and simplicity. It's not to save money, lessen our stress, or curate our homes. It's to open up our lives, our schedules, our hearts, and our attention to the presence of God with us. 

An Abundance of Possessions

Billions are spent every year to make us believe that "more is more" and that "life consists in an abundance of possessions." But this stands in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus, and we have to decide which voice we are going to believe.

Mid-week 2: Your Closet

The best place to start your minimalism journey is your closet. But how do you start and what questions should you be asking?

Fasting and Desire

As we peel back the layers and journey deeper into simplicity, it is only a matter of time before our flesh begins to fight back. We each find within ourselves "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2v16). How do we overcome these strongholds in our life, and enter into greater freedom in Christ? Fasting is one tool at our disposal.

Mid-week 3:

Ready to minimize your possessions? You can go room by room and ask these questions....

Where Your Treasure Lies

We've been raised to believe that life consists in an abundance of possessions, and that we should store up for ourselves treasures on earth. But Jesus reveals these beliefs as objectively false, and he calls up to wake up to a grater reality.

Mid-Week 4: The Tough Spots

No minimalism journey is complete without tackling the most intimidating areas of our homes: sentimental stuff, heirlooms, paperwork, books, technology, cars, and even our homes themselves.

Do Not Worry

Americans are some of the most anxious people in all of world history. And yet Jesus invites his disciples to live lives scandalously free from anxiety. How do we journey from anxiety to the peace and freedom of God? And what role does biblical minimalism play in getting us there?

Mid-week 5: Madi Fischer

Join us as we hear from Madi Fischer and her experience with biblical minimalism. 

What You Will Wear

In recent decades, our relationship to clothes (and the global impact of our clothing choices) have shifted massively in America and across the western world. Driven by the clothing industry, and our unending desire for "more," we now attempt to buy too many clothes, for too low a price, for all the wrong reasons. But Jesus us frees us from the clothing sickness that we find ourselves in, and offers us a better way forward.

Mid-Week 6: How to Buy Clothes

Our worry over clothing drives us to buy too many clothes at too low a price and for all the wrong reasons. All of this inadvertently sustains an industry involving 1.5 billion underpaid workers and tens of millions of slaves. But how do we move forward as followers of Jesus? How do we buy clothes in today's complex world? 

Positive Mentions: GORUCK, Redwing Shoes, Darn Tough Socks, Prana, Everlane, Patagonia, Adidas, Columbia, and a long list at: (forgot to mention Levi’s, Calvin Klein, IKEA, and others!)

Negative Mentions: Walmart, American Eagle, Abercrombie, Macie’s, Aeropostale, Carter’s, Nike, Nordstrom’s, Gymboree, Costco, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Bed Bath & Beyond, and of course many others as well.

Learn more at: 

Love and Marriage

Throughout the series we've called out and challenged the ways in which consumer culture has shaped our relationship to material possessions, and we've unpacked the call of Jesus back to a more biblical framework. But in what ways have these mentalities infiltrated our views on love and marriage? And what are the simple biblical concepts that we can recenter on? 

Recommended Resources: The Meaning of Marriage (Tim Keller), Breaking the Marriage Idol: Reconstructing Our Cultural and Spiritual Norms (Kutter Callaway)

Mid-week 7: Simplicity of Schedule

Most of us deal with an acute time shortage in our lives. We feel busy, rushed, and scattered. How we can bring simplicity to our schedules and live more intentional lives? How do we begin taking hold of "life that is truly life" instead of our rushed alternatives? 

Recommended Resources: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (John Mark Comer), An Unhurried Life (Alan Fadling), Abundant Simplicity (Jan Johnson)

Desire and Contentment

Human beings have unlimited desire. But when we "aim" our unlimited desire at the limited material world, the result is disaster. We think more money and more stuff will make us more content, finally satisfying our desires. In reality it often makes things worse. But what do the Scriptures say about finding the ever illusive experience of contentment?

Mid-week 8: The Sabbath

Most of us live with a sense "time poverty." We rush from one activity to the next trying to work more, to buy more, to have more. But the Sabbath is the foundation for a glorious rebellion against the materialism of our day, and the center for a simpler with Jesus. It is an entire day set aside every week for rest and delight; to stop working, stop worrying, and stop wanting. If you haven't tried this practice, here's how to start... 

Simplicity and Generosity

The New Testament standard for giving is not the tithing of the old covenant. Instead, God is looking for "joyful and generous givers." But what's the connection between biblical simplicity and biblical generosity? How does simplicity and the death of materialism free us up to be joyful and generous?

Mid-week 9: Family Minimalism

Pursuing biblical simplicity is all well and good, but how do we do it with other? How to relate to our parents, room mates, spouses, or kids when it comes to pursuing minimalism?

Wealth and Trust

Today personal finances have become the new taboo. But the Bible pulls no punches when it comes to wealth, and Paul urges the rich in this life not to trust in their wealth, but to be generous and trust in God, taking hold of life that is truly life.

Mid-week 10: Don’t Turn Back

What does it look like to "arrive" at a lifestyle of simplicity? And how do we maintain that lifestyle moving forward? 


The Gospel of John: Signs