The Ghost? Knowing and Trusting God the Spirit


Who Do You Say I Am?

The Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) is the least understood and most controversial person of the Trinity. But what does Jesus say about the Holy Spirit? Join us as we begin exploring John 14, 15, and 16 together. 

Practicing the Presence of God

Practicing the presence of God is not on trial. It is the secret of the saints. It is a way of life that nearly everybody knows about, and nearly everyone has ignored. But what does it mean to practice the presence of God? And how can we begin?

Is That You Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is speaking to all of us. But how we do discern that it’s God? And how do we share in a way that’s healthy?

The Holy Spirit and Witness

The original disciples appear to be the perfect witnesses. They have seen and experienced the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus first hand. But Jesus tells them to wait in the city until they receive the Holy Spirit.

Final River’s Edge Sunday

Join as we celebrate our last Sunday as "River's Edge" before officially merging with Soma. We retold the story of the church plant and posed the question "what has River's Edge meant to you?" These were some of the answers. 

Wedding Day (Walk-in Step with the Spirit)

This is our first joint Sunday as one church in one location with Soma Spokane. We share a bit of the story of how our churches came together, and what it looks like to be guided by the Spirit. Future teachings can be accessed at


Hail the Incarnate Deity