The Gospel of John: Glory


Washing Feet

Before sitting down to their final meal together, Jesus gets up, wraps a towel around his waist, and assumes the position of a slave - revealing the heart of the Father and inviting us to do the same.


Judas is infamous for his shocking betrayal of Jesus. But what led up this moment and how should we respond to the life of Judas as disciples of Jesus?


After Judas departs, Jesus tells gives his disciples a new command, to love one another, and he tells them that he will soon be separated from them. Peter protests but receives discouraging news: he's going to betray Jesus three times. What is the significance of this "new command" in the life of discipleship, and how did it play out in the life of Peter?

The Way, The Truth, The Life

In response to Thomas’ confusion, Jesus lays out plainly that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. But what is the practical or even daily significance of Jesus being the truth? Or the way? Or the life? Join us for a panel discussion on this topic.

Is God Three or One?

Jesus cracks open the Jewish concept of God and reveals something about God's nature that we would not have anticipated. But why does it matter? And what difference does it make in everyday life?

Abide In Me

Jesus tells his disciple to "abide in him" in order to bear fruit in the world. This is the foundation for everything else in the life of discipleship. But how do we abide in him? Join us for a panel discussion on this topic.


This Sunday we took a break from our series through the Gospel of John to seek the Lord and practice lament.

Love One Another

The entire Gospel of John Jesus only gives His disciples a single command: “as I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

The World Will Hate You

Jesus warns His disciples in advance that they need to expect persecution after He’s gone. The world hated Him, it will hate us too.

The Persecution To Come

What seems almost odd or illogical to us is obvious from Jesus' perspective - as you the carry the Gospel into the world, you are going to face resistance.

The Spirit and the World

When the Holy Spirit comes into the life of the disciples, it strengthens, encourages, and empowers. Not so with the world. What happens when the Holy Spirit collides with a world set in opposition to Jesus?

The Spirit of Truth

Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes to His disciples, the Spirit will guide them (and us) and into the truth, speak truth over us, and even speak about what is yet to come.

Greif and Joy

As Jesus finishes instructing his disciples, he tells them that their immediate future - and in a sense their lives - will be a mix of grief and joy, until they see him again face to face, and no one will be able to take their joy from them. But what happens when we reject this truth? What happens when we think life has no joy? Or that life should be only joy? 

Glorify Your Son

As Jesus ends his final discourse with his disciples, he prays to be glorified. But what is the glory of God, and how is it on display on the cross?

Socio-Economic Unity

Jesus prays that His disciples would be one, as He and the Father are one. Join us as we explore hurdles to (and possibilities for) unity in the church; socio-economic unity, political unity, and racial unity. 

Political Unity

Politics has become as source of bitter division in our culture, and that division comes to bear on the church as well. But how are we to navigate the toxic world of politics as followers of Jesus? Can we experience what Jew and Gentile experienced in the first century?

Racial Unity

We conclude our discussion on "unity in the church" with the topic of racial unity. What's the state of racial unity in the church? What's holding us back? And where do we go from here? Join us for an interview with Rodney McAuley, director of the Bridge Project, followed by a time of Q&A

 Recommended Resources:

- Reading While Black, Esau McCaulley
- How to Fight Racism, Jemar Tisby
- Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative (
- Anti-racism discipleship pathways

Jesus and Peter

Peter acts as we expect - he operates in the Kingdom of the world, in fear, self-protecting and reacting. Jesus operates as we wouldn't expect; he is in a different reality, the Kingdom of Heaven. He is abiding in the perfect love of the Father, and it drives out all fear. Thus, he can give his life away. He can lay it down. Because of Jesus, we too can live this reality, this existence, rooted in the Kingdom of Heaven, and we too can give our lives away.

Jesus and Pilate

Having struggled through their own trail, the Jewish leaders now hand Jesus over to Pilate (the Roman governor). But in an ironic twist, the Roman occupier tries repeatedly to set Jesus free, while the Jewish leaders refuse to back down.

It is Finished

As Jesus breathes his last, he announces “it is finished.” But did Jesus mean? And what has he accomplished?

A Family Formed at the Cross

As Jesus dies on the cross, he says to John and his mother (Mary), “mother, here is your son, and son, here is your mother.” Not only is Jesus very practically ensuring that his mother is cared for in his absence, he’s also highlighting the profound reality that a new family is being formed at the cross.

Blood and Water

Before taking the body of Jesus down from the cross, a Roman soldier thrusts a spear through Jesus’ side and up into his heart. As the spear is removed, blood and water begin to flow out. But where does the water come from? And what is the significance of the blood and the water for our lives today?

Buried with Christ

After Jesus breathes his last, two hidden disciples step boldly out of the shadows to give him a burial fit for a king. And this burial is important to dwell on because Scripture says that you were buried with him.

Restored to Jesus

After the resurrection, Peter returns to fishing, likely carrying the weight of denying Jesus three times. But one day Jesus appears to them again, and restores Peter back to Himself. Join as we hear David Dailey’s story of being restored back to Jesus.

First Mountain, Second Mountain

The Gospel of John doesn’t end the way we would expect, and instead of the ascension or another miracle, the final story is devoted to Jesus telling Peter what lies ahead on his journey of discipleship, and (if we live long enough) what lies ahead for us.


Practicing the Way of Jesus


Various Teachings