Various Teachings

These are a collection of various teachings that didn’t fit into a larger series, as well as a few of the most downloaded teachings from past series that have been archived. Unlike the other teaching series, the most recent teachings appear at the top.

(all of our archived teachings can still be found on iTunes or

Amos 8v11-14

The Word of God represents his heart, mind and nature; his written Word (the Bible) tells us that God sends out his word in power, it upholds the Universe, and it is "alive and active" and full of truth. We humans fear being famished of water and food, but through Amos the Lord God declares of a far worse famine, one where people are famished "of hearing the words of the LORD." (v11). What is the result? Wandering, faintness, falling. In today's teaching, we are encouraged to leave deceptive idols, broken cisterns, and the patterns of the world and find satisfaction in the Word of Life.

The Faith of Job

In Job, we read of an exemplar of Faith - of a man who was afflicted by suffering, but remained as one who entrusted himself to the greatness and goodness of the LORD. Job, despite what was happening to him and all around him; despite questions that he had; and despite the accusations of his friends towards him, he maintained his integrity towards God. Looking at Job’s example, whether we are in need or have plenty, sick or healthy, can we proclaim with Job and the Saints who have gone before, “I know that my redeemer lives.”?

Receiving Through Communion

It can be easy to rush through communion as just “something we do” as part of a Sunday gathering. But in doing so we often miss an opportunity to receive real healing and provision from Jesus in the moment. Communion isn’t just a time to remember a historical act, it’s a moment to receive in real time from the “right now” God.

Bryan Olson and Nepal

Join us as we interview Bryan Olson, just days before his scheduled departure for Nepal. What does it look like to live by faith instead of fear, and to trust God radically with our lives? 

Mid-Week Podcast - Goerge Floyd and the Kingdom

Into the drama of COVID-19 comes another explosive layer of tension as George Floyd is murdered by police officers in Minneapolis. What happened was evil, but it still leaves us wondering, how do we navigate the tension and move forward as followers of Jesus? 

Practice: Walking in Grace

Each one of us is becoming someone over time. Are we becoming more like Jesus or less like Jesus? Are we experiencing the life that Jesus intended? One the biggest difference makers is whether or not we are walking in God's grace. Those who misunderstand God's grace often stagnate in their discipleship, and those with an accurate understanding are often propelled into greater depths of discipleship and transformation than they ever thought possible.

Ephesians - Submit to One Another

As Paul enters the second half of Ephesians, he unpacks how we live out the new identity that God has given us in Christ, and in chapter 5 he takes aim at the marriage and the home. His words have become controversial but they remain as relevant for us today as they have ever been. 

Ephesians - Unity and Participation

As Paul moves into the second half of his letter, he reminds us that we are the body of Christ, and therefore we should strive to maintain the unity that Christ has already set in motion. Additionally, as the body, we each are gifted by God with something and we are called to participate. 

Ephesians - Put on the New

After three full chapters of celebrating who God is and what He has done for us, Paul finally turns the corner and talks about how we should live and why. But his message is counterintuitive. In essence, Paul says, "become who you already are."

Audio Block
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Matthew - Faith and Physical Healing

Jesus didn't just talk about the in-breaking Kingdom of Heaven, he also operated in it by the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, countless people experienced physical healing, and many were told that "their faith had healed them." But what is the relationship between faith and healing, and is healing a guarantee for those who have enough faith? 

Prayer and Prophecy - The Psalms

As we start our series on prayer and engaging in life with God, we begin in a odd place. We are starting our series in the Psalms. But why are the psalms important, and how should their raw and unfiltered language effect the way that we pray?

The Sermon on the Mount - Worry and Anxiety

As Jesus draws near the end of his sermon, he gives his disciples a profound and simple directive for Kingdom living: "do not worry." In doing so Jesus sums up in a sentence what might take us a lifetime to master. In our anxiety-ridden culture, how do understand and enter into the invitation of Jesus to live a life without worry? 


The Gospel of John: Glory


Vision Series: 2022