Vision Series: 2022



Join as we unpack some of the vision and values of the church, including passionate prayer, being Gospel centered, becoming a participatory body, and reaching the ends of the earth.

Faithful to Scripture

Most of us feel the cultural pressure to abandon or reinterpret Scripture. But how do we navigate that tension? What are pitfalls we need to avoid? And how do we relate to the Bible in a way that’s accurate and helpful?

The Family of God

Over the last 500 years, liberalism has slowly dissolved the bonds that hold society together, but the solution is local communities forming strong bonds under the Kingship of Jesus – in beautiful opposition to the acidic culture in which we live.

The Spirit Filled Church

From the beginning Jesus told His disciples to wait until they were filled the Spirit before going into the world, He is that vital to life with God. But what does it look like for us to be an ordinary but Spirit-filled people in our city? What difference does the Spirit make?

Resilient Disciples in a Digital Age

Humans beings have always used technology as an aid in human culture, but more recently our relationship to technology has shifted and turned toxic. What does it look like to follow Jesus in the midst of our digital age? How can we survive and even thrive as disciples in the midst of a stunning spiritual and mental health crisis?


Various Teachings


The Gospel of John: Signs